Space Contest With ZYYX and Pinshape


Our Space Design Contest challenged designers to create something that would be useful to astronauts in space. We had a number of incredible entries and we’re excited to share the winning designs!

3rd Place

Universal Wrench by carlosh.obregon

This clever wrench is meant to be adjustable so that astronauts can minimize the number of tools they need to bring to space. With a bit of work orienting the two parts in your designs software, this can be printed in one piece! Congratulations! You won a Crafty 3D Printing Pen from MatterHackers and PLA strands to print with!


Second Place

Mandalorian Deathwatch I-Gauntlet by devvans

This Replica of the Mandalorian Deathwatch Gauntlet from Star Wars is designed to accommodate the iPhone 5 and 6SE.


First Place

Astro-Web by Chen&Nelly

This simple and functional design by Chen&Nelly spices up item storage for astronauts. We really enjoyed the gif of their print in action. Congratulations! You’ve won a ZYYX+ 3D Printer, 3 rolls of filament, and a MatterControl Touch T10.


Thanks to all that entered into this design contest! Truly amazing designs and passion put into this contest.