With the ZYYX pro we have released three new material. As shown above from the left; proNylon, proKev and proCarbon.
proNylon has the advantage of having a higher elasticity then normal thermoplastics and also a greater resilience against corrosive fluids.
proKev has the same advantages as proNylon but with even greater elasticity and toughness.
proCarbon is also nylon based but the carbon gives the material a more rigid structure to maximize tensile strength.
New and Improved building raft
With the new and improved raft we have fine tuned the adhesion, making it easier to remove your builds with the included print removal tool.
This fine tuning also greatly improves the bottom surface quality for all of the new ZYYX pro materials. All of this will all be included in the new Simplify profiles for the ZYYX pro, so you as a user do not need to do any tinkering, just press print.